Thursday, January 30, 2014

The last week or so

They love each other. How long will that last?

They spent most of their womb-life in this arrangement. Poor Wendy. No wonder she's so mellow: girl can take a beating.

And 35 more just like it on my camera roll

Last Thursday we went to an ASU vs U of U basketball game with Amy and Sam. I don't really like either team so the actual game didn't excite me too much, but socializing with adults and eating Greek food was fun. (They like Utah so we pretended to. Traitors) 

On Saturday a bunch of us went to the park to play kickball and bbq. After we got the kids to bed, kami and James and Amy came over to play 1 1/2 games of Catan (Ray would've had a fit that we quit early). Turns out we just wanted to chat and watch creepy Disney YouTube videos. I'm glad almost my whole family is back in AZ now! I just love it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Whichever baby that is next to Clark in the second pic looks exactly like him in that picture! You've got some cute kids!