Saturday, June 2, 2012

Garage Sales and Herbs

We've spent the last couple weeks collecting cheap furniture for our home, so Saturday mornings=garage sale time. And we don't mess around. Last night we mapped out all the garage sales posted on Craigslist and good thing we did. People really aren't very good at garage sale signage here. I want neon posters with big black arrows people!

Later we went to lunch and then Lowe's to get some spray paint for one of our garage sale finds. We came away with spray paint and everything we needed to plant wildflowers and a little herb garden in the backyard. I'm pretty excited about that. The cool thing about this little place is that our backyard is about as big as the whole house.

And then Clark begged me for a photo shoot. Pretty productive day for us.




Amanda said...

Oh my gosh, he is way too cute!! We miss you guys much!

Hailey Roper said...

Agreed to all of the above!! Also, I think your backyard looks like lots of fun and I might be slightly jealous of it.

Lari said...

Well, I am probably the worst mother alive, but I just read all your blogs! That is a good way to catch up and see my oops your baby. I know he misses me terribly. I can see from the picture that he is trying to say, "Where is Grandma?" Your yard looks BEAUTIFUL! I miss you all very very much--Beyond what I can endure, so I am figuring out a time to come and visit. I promise I won't try to steal the baby.