Tuesday, February 17, 2015


On Thursday I took the kids to a little valentine exchange with some other toddlers at the park. Clark isn't in preschool yet so I was glad he got to do something fun and festive. He gets do excited about holidays now. In fact, the other day we were on a walk and he noticed a house with some valentines stuff on the door. A few minutes later he said "I'm upset" I asked why and he said "mines not pretty at all!" 
"Your what?"
"My how!" (He singular-izes "house") 
I didn't think anyone would care that I slacked off on decorations for the month. Oops. 

Later that night I went to my pal and first (ok only) college roommate's bachelorette party. It was lots of fun. And my arms aren't really that scrawny. 

Yesterday my mom had work off and took all my kids for the whole day. I was so productive and got a glimpse of what life might be like when they're in school. I'm doing a little freelance editing for two books right now (even though I only got one "job" because the author is a good friend--it's already been picked up by a publisher!). It's nice to get to do something that is a little more mentally stimulating than sweeping and still getting to be with my kids all the time. 

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