Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The 4th of July

Jacob and I were talking about how the 4th is always pretty lame unless you live in a small town, so we were determined to make this one a good one. We actually considered driving to a small town and had some of my siblings on board, but it was too last minute. Instead we planned out the whole day of festivities: good breakfast, cousin play time while women shop (I may have added that one in on a whim), swimming, bbq with the whole fam, set off fireworks, watch real fireworks. It did not disappoint. Clark was so exauhsted by the end, he just lay like a zombie on the grass and watched fireworks until he fell asleep (he NEVER just falls asleep out of bed). 

Richard and Jacob preparing breakfast 

Trouble, Trouble, Trouble (Jack, Clark, Crew) I don't know how they all ended up matching so perfectly 

Wendy, Ty, Magnolia

Marinne, Clark, kami, Landon,?

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