Sunday, January 3, 2010


We spent Christmas Eve with Jacob's family. We went out to eat and to his grandparents house where we sang Christmas songs and told about our most memorable Christmases.
On the way home, we graded Christmas lights with Heather and Emily. (This was one of the "A" houses)
We slept over at Jacob's family's house.
He woke up at least three times to check his phone and see if it was time to wake up.
It was a little strange to wake up at a different house on Christmas morning and have all new traditions, but still exciting.

Santa brought us something we've been dreaming of (along with every 10-year-old boy), and many other surprises.

Then it was off to the Smith home for Eggseronious and round 2 of gift opening. We spent the day there eating, playing, and napping.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW. Looks like Fun! Glad you enjoyed your time here. Happy you had a Merry Christmas!