the last few weeks have been crazy busy and stressful while we got ready for our end of the year dance recital. Last year we had about 50 students and only 3 of them had any sort of costume change. This year we had over 200 students split into recitals with some dances performed in both and several students with several costume changes. I also danced in one if the numbers which made me verrrry anxious, so basically I didn't sleep much last week.
Also PSA: if your child is enrolled in an extracurricular activity and you receive emails or notes covering the details of a performance for that activity, READ THEM! That's all I'm going to say about that.
Aside from all that, it's always so rewarding to watch our students perform. Plus I got to watch my own girls perform which is so precious.
Now I feel like a giant weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Been sleeping great ;)

A few of the girls I teach. Love this age!
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