Thursday, May 29, 2014

You tah

Wait didn't we just take a trip to Utah? Yes, we did. But we took another 11-hour trek in the car so we could go to Jacob's grandpa's funeral (the one who we lived with while going to BYU) and see friends and family again which I can never say no to. It was sad saying goodbye to grandpa mckinnon since he's the closest thing I've had to a grandpa and was always so sweet and generous to us (crazy questions/lectures aside). But I'm glad we got to see everyone and honestly I always feel a sense of peace for sick, elderly people when they die because I'm sure life's a lot better for them on the other side. 

It just so happened that one of my twin Facebook friends was taking a trip to Utah at the exact same time! Craziest coincidence and it was so fun getting to meet her and her cute family. I feel like we'd be the best of friends if they lived close by (unfortunately I feel that way about a lot of people who live way to far away). 

And I wasn't very good about taking pictures of all the rest of the trip. Oops. 

Gossip girls


alyssa said...

We definitely would be the best of friends if we lived near each other! And since Cassie said we looked related... I totally think that every time I see that picture;) I'm glad we got to meet up in real life!

Lari said...

What a bunch of cute girls, moms included!

Lari said...

What a bunch of cute girls, moms included!