He is really sweet. I love watching him interact with his little sisters. Ok, a lot of the time he just ignores their existence. But he also hugs them and shares his toys and makes them smile and laugh.When one of them is crying and I don't help right away, he says in a very concerned voice, "She's cryning. She's so sad. Find the binky!" and then he finds a pacifier and shoves it into their mouths. I can just picture him looking out for them as they grow up together.
He's got a tender little heart which sometimes means a lot of crying and hurt feelings but also means he will love anyone that spends a few minutes playing with him. The other day he ran up to me, wrapped his arms around my legs and said "I just wuv you!" I about died.
He loves other kids and is really good at sharing (for a two-year-old). Kids will grab stuff right out of his hands and occasionally he'll cry, but a lot of the time he just says "taking turns". Whenever we're at the park and other kids come he shouts "kids! kids!" and then follows them around for hours.
He is still so curious and learning faster than I can keep up. I'm always laughing at the little things he picks up and impressed with the advanced concepts he understands. Recently he's started singing entire songs and I just love it. He'll also randomly quote his favorite movies and TV shows ("I'm not going turbo! Come on, guys!").
He is very timid. He approaches every new situation with extreme caution but is so clumsy that he's always getting hurt anyway. He has more irrational fears than I can count, but I know exactly where he gets it (and it's not Jacob).
He's a pretty good eater, as toddlers go. He'll try almost anything and loves fruits and veggies so I can't complain about that.
He is the most restless sleeper EVER. Every night after we put him in bed, he spends 10-20 minutes doing his own little yoga routine to settle him self down and go to sleep (we have a video monitor, and ya, I just sit and watch him sometimes). Then at any given second if I check him on the monitor, he's in a completely new crazy position. I might just make a whole book of him sleeping like a maniac.
Clark reaaallly knows how to push my buttons, though it's never intentional...yet. He makes me want to pull my hair out a few times a day and I worry about him endlessly but he is one of the best things that's ever happened to me. Happy Birthday!
He loves tools, fixing things, and singing "come on, jump in!" over and over while throwing his tools into boxes or the wheel of his plasma bike.
SO Jacob as a kid
This is so precious. CLARK is so precious. And if I wouldn't have gotten to know him a little bit a couple weeks ago I might think this description of him is too good to be true, but it's really not. You can tell how kind and loving he is. And he is an excellent sharer! Also I'm SO glad you got pictures of his yoga, that is hilarious!! And I love his cocoons around your drawings. He's seriously such an adorable kid, I just wish you guys lived closer!
Happy birthday, Clark!
SWEET SWEET SWEET! I love you all so much!
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