Monday, March 10, 2014

Getting Out

We're starting to find getting out of the house a bit more manageable lately and really does my sanity good! 

Last Saturday I got to meet one of my "Oct 2013 Twin Moms" friends! It kind of embarrasses me for some reason but right now some of my best friends are a bunch of women (100ish) I only know on a Facebook page. We were all due with twins in October and it's actually been really great to have people going through the same crazy stuff at the exact same time! Brandy was so sweet and friendly and made what could've been a super awkward situation totally fun. 

As if one set of twins doesn't get enough attention... People got a kick out of this

This Saturday we went to an airplane show thing with Amy and her fam. It was free and so fun! Except we ended up walking 1.5 miles to get to the entrance for some reason. But Clark was in heaven. He didn't want to leave and asks if we're going to see the airplanes any time we get in the car. I was in heaven because I got to eat some Waffle Crush. 

How many kids can you fit on one stroller?

1 comment:

alyssa said...

How fun you got to meet Brandy and her babies! I'm jealous:)