Monday, December 23, 2013

Two by two

Jacob's little sister got a kitten for their dad for Christmas and asked us if we would take care of it for a few days before Christmas. So I went to the Nutcracker with my mom and sisters and when I came back we had not only the kitten but a dog as well. Turns out Jacob found the little guy hanging out the garage and felt too bad to leave it all alone out in the cold. Of course. So somehow we had 2 pets for a couple days (that's how we like to do things around here I guess). 
It made me realize that I don't ever want pets until my kids can take care of them. But dogs eating up Clark's messes off the kitchen floor and kittens cuddling up with the girls at any opportunity, kind of amazing. And Clark gets such a kick out of playing with the kitty. 

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