Monday, March 12, 2012

Baby Shower #2

I got double lucky and had another baby shower thrown for me by some of Jacob's family! I did a bad job of capturing pictures since I was trying to be social and all, but it was so much fun.
There was a fantastic sit-down brunch prepared by Jacob's grandma, a few cute games, and a lot of good company. My aunt and cousin even came all the way from Logan, and I was so happy to get to talk to them even though it was only for a second.

We got so much cute stuff for baby, and we're especially happy about the gift that Jacob's mom and some other family members went in on, because it wasn't in the college-kid budget!

We've really been so blessed with how much we haven't had to buy. Between the two showers and Jacob's sister letting us use all her baby stuff, we've been handed almost everything we need. It's an affirmation that we're not totally out of our minds; I've worried that we can't really afford to be having a baby right now, but everything just ends up working out! Thanks to everybody who's been an answer to prayers with all the support and help and giving. I don't say it enough, but it really does mean so much to me (and Jacob too).


photo baby shower invites said...

Gorgeous Moms! You are so pretty.

Shums said...

I got that stroller for Crew and LOVE it! So light and convenient.